Domain : Internet of Things
Sr. No. Title Guide Abstract
1 APPTOR Er. Sudhir Lawand A Mobile based application which will function accordingly with a IOT based Device. The device will be used to read a person’s hearthbeat, pulse rate and other parameters. This application will be helpful for both the patient and the doctor as the patient can update their information from time to time which will be visible to the doctor.
2 Car Crash Notification System Er. Sheetal Bhosale Car accidents are scary, stressful and potentially life-threatening. Road accidents are a human tragedy. Most of the deaths occurs because the needed help is not available for the person at the right time. Taking this entire thing in consideration we made software to provide help for those car accidents by informing the some registered numbers about the accident. So that they get immediate help. This project is designed for monitoring accident and when there is a crash, calling for help through the registered numbers, that is why we name it as “Car Crash Notification System.”
3 Face Recognition System For Unlock The Door Er. Anjali Gharat In this project, we have made use of Python Opencv to identify a person is an employee or not based on data stored in database. Based on the output of python script there will be an alert created if entered person is unknown. Door will open if the person is recognized from the data in database.
4 Heartbeat And Body Temperature Measurment System Using I.O.T Er. Anjali Gharat Our system puts forward a smart that Heartbeat and Body Temperature Measurement system. System uses sensors to track patient health and uses internet to inform their doctors in case of any issues.
5 HI-TECH INDOOR FARMING USING Iot Er. Sheetal Bhosale IOT controlled indoor farming system. Designed for places with minimal farming and sunlight. Vertical Farming concept which helps more crops to grow in less area. Used RGB lights to provide light energy to crops. Soil moisture, temperature and RGB color code controlled by Node MCU. Water Pump and fan controlled by Node MCU.
6 Women Safety Application & Sos Device Er. Sheetal Bhosale Even in today's world women safety remains to be an issue. To help fight that, we have developed a Women Safety Application using Flutter & Firebase for backend along with an SOS device. The application will help the user to alert police & family when in danger & also provide many other features to smartly fight in such situations .The SOS Device was made using Arduino nano V3.0, GPS Module & GSM Sim. Using this device family & police can be informed.