Domain : Internet of Things
Sr. No. Title Guide Abstract
1 Web Application of Blood Bank on SANJEEVANI Er. Sangeeta Wankhede Sanjeevani is a voluntary and non-governmental organization. It maintains Online library of blood donors in India. Sometimes Doctors and Blood bank project have to face the difficulty in finding the blood group Donors at right time. Sanjeevani has attempted to provide the answer by taking upon itself the task of collecting Blood bank project nationwide for the cause and care of people in need
2 Book My Doc Er. Swati Ranade Due to covid-19 situation, going out for doctor appointment is a risk factor for patients and taking appointment for hospitals by using paper pen is a risk factor. By using Book My Doc patients can conveniently book appointment, a website will be used to book appointment and patients can connect with doctors online. It will present a technology demonstrator to verify a proposed framework required to support such a book an appointment.
3 Capacity Building for the Emergency Response System Er. Prasad Koyande Capacity Building for the Emergency Response System is a website which will help the Radhee Foundation to get in more number of Pledge Donors. The main goal of this website is to have more number of people pledging for Donation. After a user enters the respective details on provided facility he will get he will be getting a Radhee Organ Donor Pledge Card and he will also get Certificate for taking the Pledge.
4 ComputerTech Er. Meenakshi Khamkar This project provides an easy access to admin and seller to view orders placed using Pay options. This project allows viewing various products available and purchase desired products also can place order and compared to another product.
5 Covid-19 Tracker Er. Swati Ranade COVID-19 tracker is to provide Statistics/graph for active, recovered, death and confirm cases with information about covid-19 like preventions, symptoms and latest updates will show on the website. It also has quiz to check the mental and physical health as well as the precautions to check whether the user is following the correct precautions or not.
6 Online Grocery System Er. Swati Ranade Online grocery system is a form of e-commerce that allows consumers to directly buy fresh vegetables and fruits. An online grocery shop evokes the physical analogy of buying produce like it is done in a local market. So our idea is to give a online platform for the local shops.
7 E-Market For Farmer Er. Sayali Kadam This is a web-application for Farmer which provides a platform for farmer to sell their product online without any agent or middleman. This service boosts business communication & bring transparency in the system
8 E-Notes Er.Meenakshi Khamkar Now- a- days everything is online, so we thought of creating a website for studies to access notes from anywhere. Earlier, V-refer was used to access the notes but it had one drawback of accessing it only on college server and not from home.
9 E-Prescription Er. Sudhir Lawand E-prescription software is one of the easiest method to have prescription transferred to multiple patients and also reduce time, increase speed and reduce manual paper work. It needs less manpower for conducting and organizing the prescribed medicines quickly and with safety measures. Doctors, physicians, patients can easily check the previous medications prescribed. This project will help the patient/user to have a better understanding of the prescription.
10 FOODIE Er. Meenakshi Khamkar The purpose of this project is to develop an Online Restaurant System. It is a system that enables customer of food restaurant to get the best restaurant. The reason to develop the system is due to the issues facing by the food restaurant industry
11 Freelancing Website (WBA) Er. Poonam Pawar Freelancing is doing a job under contract rather than full employment. Freelancing offers the lot of freedom and flexibility which regular jobs cannot. The freelancer can choose the type of the work, how long they work, and volume of work take on. The freelancer can control work relationship and control workload. Platform freelancing has many websites and anyone can register as freelancers or job posters.
12 Maharashtra Police Bharti (Portal) Er. Sudhir Lawand We are making our Maharashtra police Bharti student portal by making the web application with all the facilities and features that are required for students. And it will reduce the cumbersome workload from the students. There will be no need for students to rush from here to there for information and study material. Student can check the website anytime from his/her home or anywhere. In short this Maharashtra police Bharti student portal is going to help the student.
13 Music Festival Booking Website Er. Supriya Angne The project objective is to book Music Shows tickets/Passes in online. The Ticket Reservation System is an Internet based application that can be accessed throughout the Net and can be accessed by anyone who has a net connection. This Website will reserve the tickets. This online ticket reservation system provides a website for a cinema hall where any user of internet can access it. User is required to login to the system and needs a credit card for booking the tickets. But all this excitement vanishes after standing in hours in long queues to get tickets booked.
14 Online Second-hand Book Buying And Selling Portal Er. Sayali Kadam Online Second-hand book buying and selling portal is the place for everyone to sell or buy product (books) online. It’s a website for all but its more useful for students who can easily buy and sell the new as well as old book.
15 Online library system Er. Sneha Patange Our project mainly focus on reader who can’t afford books to read. We can provide them free book’s in PDF format through our website. They can’t download book’s pdf ,they only read them
16 Pet Adoption Website Er. Sayali Kadam This portal provides most convenient way to adopts pets. It provides guaranteed information of the pets as well as the users. One can provide a better home to the pet. One can save the life of homeless animals by contacting the emergency helpline numbers.
17 System for Renting Variety of Products Online Er. Sneha Patange This system mainly provides users to search and rent products according to their convenience and they will have all the details provided by vendor. Various Payment methods will be available so that user can pay according to their convenience. Users data will be encrypted and will have a safe environment around the system.
18 Small Business Er. Manisha Pokharkar An online shopping system that permits a customer to submit online orders for items and services from a store that serves online customers. The customer can see all the products and different types of products and then they can order the product they want. Customer can purchase in their home or somewhere else from their location. One can create their account for free on this app and their access to reach the customer online by providing goods and services to them.
19 Smart Canteen Management System Er. Sneha Patange The website is nicely designed for the students to view the items from the canteen and to order the food with minimum clicks including the payment. Using this web application features the Canteen will be able to manage their operations efficiently.
20 Social Touch Web Application Er. Manisha Pokharkar Currently there is no such app, website where people can search for a type of social work event and register for one. Users can’t search social work events with filters such as user provided time and date. Since there is no common platform, people are distributed or maybe unaware of any social work groups. This leads to communication gap between volunteers and organisers. Hence, we are building this web application
21 Trading System Er. Supriya Angne Trading system is a demo application based on stocks. Where user can invest in stocks using fake money. Here user can search stock using ticker which is symbol provided to each stock. User can update his/her profile and can see portfolio also. The procedure of buying and selling stocks is simple. User can see real-time value of stocks and can sort them according today, week or month.
22 Travel and Tourism Management System Er. Sayali Kadam It is a web based application. The main purpose of this website is to provide a convenient way for customer to book packages and customize their own package. The objective of this project is to develop a system that automates the processes and activities of Travel Agency.
23 T-Shirt Designing Er. Vijay Patil Custom T-shirt Designs is a web-based application. The purpose of this project is to provide a website that would allow customers to be able to customize T-shirt and place an order of custom T-shirt. This project provides two main services for customers. Firstly, it provides a way for customers to design. Secondly, it provides an easy way to purchase that T-shirt Design The project provides a cost-effective for small business owners with a small investment. Custom T-shirt Designs would serve as a platform where small business owners would be able to provide a designing platform for customers to be able to design their T-shirts according to their wish.
24 Virtual Try On - Watches Er.Sangeeta Wankhede Virtual Try on solutions is one of the ways to give the user a better experience in online shopping with Augmented Reality. We have created marker based augmented reality Tryon solution in which the customer can Virtually try products while sitting anywhere. Try-on solution offers a chance to feel and experience the product like if they are at the live store by using mobile camera through Augmented Reality. It is the best way of engaging consumers with the visualization to the products in the catalogue of the brand. It is user friendly as well.
25 VP MEET Er. Meenakshi Khamkar VP MEET is a video calling website. The concept behind video call is simple, it is as simple as making a phone call, but provides both video and audio. The right video conferencing tool allows user to set up a virtual room and provides a clickable link, that user can use to enter the room. Once they are in the meeting, you can see them with your screen and webcam, and they can see you.
26 VPTalk Er. Prasad Koyande The website “VPTALK” is built so that Vidyalankar Polytechnic students can interact with each other. To provide better service to their users, The time of the user is being saved. The website offers a wide range of options for pooling. During past several decades, there is need for effective and user friendly social networking site that give facility to reduce complexity.
27 Waste Management Application Er. Poonam Pawar Contact us for the heap of garbage that gets ignored by government bodies. This is where our application comes in action. The user can upload a picture, provide us the location. After completion user would be notified back.
28 Website for Special Children Er. Sangeeta Shirsat In our website we met the requirements of special need children in motivational as well as educational way by including motivational videos, articles of legends with special needs and also provides the information of an orphanage which is the true house for this kind children
29 Real-Estate Website Er. Sangeeta Shirsat Real Estate is related to online website of estate. Real Estate web application is an interactive, effective, and revenue-generating website designed for Real Estate Company to display unlimited number of property listings on the website. Buy and verify the property and the online service is provided by us free of charge.
30 BUDGETIZER Er. Vaishali Malkar “Budgetizer” is here to make sure your money is well managed by doing most of the work for you. Our Website will help the user to plan budget according to income. It will be easy to plan expenses and reduce unnecessary spending. Keeping a record of your expenses using a Budgetizer is a good way to manage your finances from month to month.